This reminds me of the concept of "Human Order" in the Fate series
Lucas Leal
16 juin 2023
Nice one. Order tends to generate further order, while chaos has the capacity to generate both order and disorder, as every phenomenon can contain it's inherent contradictions, positive and negative, good and bad, life and death.
20 juin 2023
En réponse à
Technically, when you talk about order if we consider it by the view of entropy, the order tends to generate chaos and chaos tend to stay chaotic. The chaotic stat of something much likely to come than his ordered one. This is why "we" need some "fuel" (insert any type of energy that any kind of system can consume) to stay in an ordered state.
02 mars 2023
Love all your art and concepts!
this is like The Snap in slow mo
Visual Sync
17 févr. 2023
Schilds Ladder - Greg Egan
David Duarte
11 mai 2023
En réponse à
I havent read that one, but it reminded me of Quarantine by Greg Egan too
This reminds me of the concept of "Human Order" in the Fate series
Nice one. Order tends to generate further order, while chaos has the capacity to generate both order and disorder, as every phenomenon can contain it's inherent contradictions, positive and negative, good and bad, life and death.
Love all your art and concepts!
this is like The Snap in slow mo
Schilds Ladder - Greg Egan